Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gay is the new Black

And I mean that in the most serious way. I mean that this country’s treatment of the Gay and Lesbian community is reminiscent of the treatment of African-Americans by the USA in the first half of the 1800's. After decades of oppression and treatment as second class citizens (or as sub-human) American society found its conscience and has worked since that time to undo the damage caused to these people. In modern times, thanks to education and the stigmatisation of racist behaviour, it is now difficult for our current generation to conceive this level of segregation and mistreatment – at least based on skin colour.

In this context it never fails to surprise me that prejudice against the Gay and Lesbian community is so widely tolerated and even supported. Our current leadership has happily agreed to deny members of this community the basic rights to marriage (and the associated legal protections) under the pretence of protecting society and the institution of marriage. Please. This is not a social issue, but one of civil liberties. It is disgraceful that legislation exists that restricts the behaviour of a specific subset of our community. The tide against this outrage is slowly beginning to turn and in another 50 years society will no doubt look back with the same shame that now surrounds slavery. I for one aren’t prepared to wait that long.

In 2006, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada and South Africa legalized same sex marriage. New Jersey has just stumbled upon the fact that they’re discriminating against homosexuals and are legislating a solution. Australia, under this administration would quickly follow suit.

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