Friday, November 23, 2007

A Loophole in the System

After realising that I was going to be unable to vote on Saturday (due to an intense and all day game of cricket) in the upcoming federal election, I decided that I had a couple of options on my hands. The first required me to fill in an application to postal vote with explanation which sounded like far too much hard work. The second was to go into a polling office this week and place my vote early. Seeing this country isn't ready for our great "future" president to be elected
just yet, I had to resolve myself to voting for one of the current major parties.

When I made the trek into a dodgy and run down polling centre that was obviously struggling with the day full of people trying to vote early. The workers were struggling with the combination of rubbish everywhere, lack of resources and some very unhappy voters. Whilst waiting in the queue, I noted people were being turned away due to being in the wrong electorate and chuckled to myself thinking at least that wasn't me. When it was my turn, the lady "serving" me asked why I couldn't vote - I told her the cricket reason. Now I'm the first to admit that playing a game of cricket probably isn't up there on a list of national reasons to skip voting but I thought that it shouldn't matter. I was rudely told that it indeed wasn't a significant reason and that I should learn to read the rules of early voting before I turn up. The woman then proceeded to tell me that I had to be going oversees, interstate or ill in order to vote early. I was so angry at this and joined the line of people leaving dissatisfied.

At the exit I turned around, lined up again and when I got to the desk(another person this time) and was asked the same question - to which I replied "I'm going oversees". I then proceeded to vote early and the problem was solved.

The reason for my maiden rant on AFP was to suggest a better system. I know you can vote anywhere on Saturday and I support compulsory voting but there has to be a better way. There will be millions of other people that have equally as mundane excuse as to why they can't vote on Saturday that will either cop the fine or run into the obstacles as I have. I would like to know why after the advertising campaigns have finished, polling booths can't be opened up for a period of 5 days or so. This would allow people who are keen to do the right thing, an opportunity to do so without having to lie. It is the reason that the early polling stations and the people who work in them are now dead to this organisation. They should be very worried for their jobs because when the true great leader of this country comes into power - they will find themselves lining up at Centrelink. Rant over, the Secretary has spoken!

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