Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So Close

There’s only one thing worse than losing: coming within a whisker of winning – and then losing. The closer you get, the more it hurts. As Tiger tapped in for par on the 19th (sudden death play-off hole) today, Rocco Mediate got a taste of what I’m talking about. So close to making history, to clinching glory and yet so very, very far. After 18 months of primaries, Hillary Clinton burns with thoughts of what might have been – and don’t even get me started on Al Gore.

As my man Barack clinched the Democratic nomination earlier this month, my thoughts turned to the biting disappointment that would accompany his loss in November. For me this would be accentuated by the knowledge that the Obama path leads us all out of the jungle, while McCain will only plunge further into it.

Logically, McCain shouldn’t come within cooee of the Presidency. I stand by my past assertions that he was the best Republican candidate, and I’m glad that he’s the nominee. He’s generally a straight shooter, has a proud military history and (was at least) considered a moderate amongst his right wing colleagues. As the race has progressed though, the 71 year old has tracked right, courting the support of the conservative base, and sticking with his pro-Iraq War stance. His suggestions for economic recovery and the environment are simplistic at best (and afterthoughts at worst). He’s also found himself continually justifying his involvement with lobbyists – and just lately, his temper (In 1992, after Cindy McCain teased her husband about his thinning hair, McCain snapped at her, in front of the reporters and two staffers: "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you c—.") Nice C-bomb - way to court the female vote...

In contrast, Obama embodies the fresh start that so many of us crave. He is championing cornerstone Democratic causes like Universal Health Care, immigration reform and an end to the War – but he also promises a return to a less invasion-based foreign policy (Joe Biden will make a great Secretary of State). I’ve gone on and on about Obama over the last few months, I can’t say enough good things about him.

Given all that, why am I worried? The Republicans of this generation are a remorseless lot committed to winning at all costs. In the post-Karl Rove era, any and all tactics are on the table. So far in the campaign, Obama has been labelled an elitist, a secret Muslim, terrorist and an anti-white bigot, while the character assassination of his wife is only beginning (when they bumped fists on stage the other night – shown above -, FOX News asked whether it was a “terrorist fist jab”. Pricks. (For a full list of the smears, go to Obama’s truth site). Add to that the innate stupidity (and, don’t kid yourself, rascism) of the continental US and this election is by no means over.

So, fingers crossed that Obama keeps fighting the good fight, and steers a controversy free path to November (he’s had enough already). I’m hopeful that there are enough well informed Americans to see through the smear campaigns and carry him to a fairytale victory. Having gotten this close to history though, who can help but feel the specter of the corresponding despair that a loss will bring.

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