Monday, March 19, 2007

Internet TV

It’s a pet hate of mine that the mainstream media in Australia is
generally pathetic. In the evening news slot on 7, 9 and 10 in Sydney, the majority of the news is devoted to weather, traffic conditions and human interest stories. Local political scandals, news of the British Royals, natural disasters and sightings of Nicole Kidman traditionally fill the remainder of the broadcast. Inane banter between the hosts is also filling an inordinate amount of air time (Tim Bailey and Ron Wilson have been short listed for ‘elimination’ by my ASIO contacts). In short, America is fighting a war on two fronts, there’s genocide in Darfur, a dictatorship in Zimbabwe and a resurgent left in Latin America – and if you get all your info from Vic in the traffic chopper, you wouldn’t know it.

Increasingly, the internet is filling this void of knowledge and if you look hard enough you can find stories of substance. Recently, I was sent an example of the next generation of media, a site hosting short video clips and documentaries from around the world, and even streaming TV. I’ll warn you that it’s jarringly left-wing, and while I may not agree with a 100% of its content (nor have I seen it all yet), I think this sort of initiative provides a necessary counter-weight to the crap we’re expected to digest every evening. There’s commentary on Iraq, on Bush and Cheney, global warming and 9/11. Most of the clips are short and might get you to consider a view other than the one diluted and spoon fed to you with your dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the rap about OfTheWorld TV. As for being left-wing, we don't have any persuasion ourselves - our media is simply representative of what independent filmmakers around the world are producing. As you rightly point out, this is a counterweight to the mainstream garbage. We believe in freedom of speech :)
