Monday, January 08, 2007

Bomb Iran

A leaked report today allegedly gives details of a ‘secret’ Israeli plan to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age if it succeeds in its bid to acquire nuclear weapons. Rumors regarding such an invasion (both by ground and air) have been widespread since Iran’s nuclear ambitions have closed in on reality. While the media and UN diplomats debate the likelihood of such action by Israel (whether it’s legal, or whether it will work etc), I for one will sleep easier tonight knowing that someone will stand up to Ahmadinejad when the time comes.

The plan (at least in this iteration) calls for repeated air strikes on Iran’s underground uranium enrichment facilities and some suspicious nuclear plants. Specifically, (America’s highly publicised) laser guided munitions would be used to uncover the targets before dropping in low-yield nuclear ‘bunker busters’ to finish the job. The mention of these mini-nukes has been the cause of much of the stir surrounding this latest plan – but for mine, everyone is missing the point: Israel is trying to survive here.

While it is easy to join the chorus of condemnations surrounding the use of nuclear weapons, or to preach about the pitfalls of preemptive strikes, the simple truth of the matter is that Israel is being left to face Iran alone. That’s the same Iran that has vowed to wipe them off the map and the same Iran that is working on the full size, genocidal type of nuke – to achieve the task. Olmert has merely decided that America’s good wishes and the UN’s poison pen are not sufficient to secure the safety of his people (demonstrated by the months and months of negotiations at the UN that resulted in the weakest of sanctions).

My hope then is that somewhere in Olmert’s desk this plan really exists and that when push comes to shove, the fighter jets are scrambled. This Administration (if no other) will support their move to secure peace and security for its people – even at the point of the sword (or laser guided bomb).

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