Thursday, December 07, 2006

Trust me, Johnny - Update

It’s been a slow old news cycle lately, with little to get excited about. Today though, the media seems to be overflowing with comment worthy articles, and it’s a welcome change. Overnight, Kay Patterson's private member's bill to allow 'therapeutic cloning' finally reached the floor of the House of Representatives (about a month later than I originally indicated) - and lo and behold, it passed.

Despite the objections of a string of prominent House members, including the PM, newly elected opposition leader Kevin Rudd, old mate Tony Abbott and even champion of the left Peter Garrett – the bill sailed through by 20 votes. For the record, new deputy opposition leader Julia Gillard supported the bill, along with (surprisingly) renowned oppressors Brendan Nelson and Phillip Ruddock. Scientists will now be free to create embryos from donor eggs and use them to extract stem cells for research into a range of debilitating diseases. Finally, they will be free to explore the full range of possibilities that stem cell research offers.

All I can say is: Justice. This Administration was a strong supporter of this bill and has faith in the scientific community to ethically use these tools to advance the treatment of some of societies worst ailments. A conscience vote was the correct way to decide this issue and credit to Howard for allowing it (if nothing else) – and the result brings with it hope to millions of Australians.

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